Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Business Value and the eye of the beholder.

Imagine a business running perfectly in a perfect world.
Wait; forget the perfect world part for now . . . no two people will imagine the same perfect world anyway.

Let’s concentrate on your perfectly running business. If guests from your real-world company stumbled into your imagination and saw what you created, what would they see?

As a good host, you show them around. Coming from the traditional not-so-perfect place, they’re quite amazed and want to know how you accomplished this fantastic feat.

* Who is responsible?
* Where’s the magic wand?
* How could this be?

There’s got to be a conflict somewhere. Are the conflict teams on vacation this week? Where’s the disruptions? How long can this last? Are all those people actually supporting each other? Who left the lines of communication open?

Who’s in charge? Doesn’t someone need to be micro-managing this place? Where are they? What’s going on over there?

Looks like a pretty important meeting! “Well yes, it is. That’s our transformation team . . . all the teams in the company are represented.”

OK, perfect timing . . . now we’ll see some fireworks. All those innovative ideas . . . sure, they look good on paper . . . wait ‘til they try to make some changes. I hope you’re prepared for the chaos!

A few conflicting processes here, a few integration disasters over there, some technical glitches spread all around . . . yeah, this place will feel just like home.

“Actually they are just celebrating a bit. All the process changes went very well and the entire integration project was completed ahead of schedule. There hasn’t been any slow downs; in fact, we expanded the business, went global, increased production, eliminated some wasteful practices and are running better than ever. We know it will have a very positive impact on the company’s bottom line this coming year. Our CFO is thrilled . . . might even use a personal day; that would be a first!” Whoa!

You’re kidding, right? This isn’t possible!

What did you guys do?

Did you somehow all magically agree to align to the same vision, or something?
“I guess we did. We all agreed that our business is important to us and that the mission of the business serves a vital purpose in the world. We’re glad to be part of it . . . we each know we are having a real impact.”

So, there was some magic, right?

“You can call it magic if you like, but we call it business value; we prioritize our initiatives and align all our activities, functions and processes to optimize our resources. As you can see, it works.”

“It can work for you, too . . . if you are serious about improving your business, I know just the folks to help you get started. All it takes is commitment to your business value and . . . a bit of imagination.”

Gary Mitchell, Co-Editor.